Author: Jilligan
•2:39 PM
School is out for a few days. I have to work 3 days during the Christmas Break but that's okay cause it saves me from losing a lot of time due to my knee surgery. The kids got out early today and seem relieved. They are going to stay with my mom tonight because we haven't even started shopping yet. We have to get it all done tonight and tomorrow before we run out of time.

My kids seem glad to be done with semester tests. I will be glad when we see the grades.

We don't have many plans for the holidays and hope to avoid a lot of travel. We have conflicts with two of our family Christmas events so we will have to get that worked out somehow. I made it though the work parties and treat days. I did have a cake ball. They are great. Luckily the kids knew about them and couldn't wait to eat one also. That didn't leave me but one so thank goodness.

Off to shop, keep your fingers crossed that I can still find the gifts on the lists.
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