Author: Jilligan
•11:36 PM
Well, we are officially done with the Christmas present exchanges. We finished up this evening with Kip's family. We also had a few exchanges to make and finished those tonight. We actually got home in time to sit for a minute and watch tv before putting the kids to bed. I have been working on uploading all my pictures so my camera is clear for New Year's Eve. I thought by buying a bigger memory card I was saving myself some time. Hah! I forgot how long it takes to upload them.

Like always, I have big plans for the New Year. I have read everything about setting goals and how New Year's resolutions rarely work. I am trying to do everything right so I can be successful. The first thing is to let you all know my plans. I am working on self promises but it never hurts to have a little peer pressure also!

So here goes:

1. Carb deplete starting tomorrow and going into next week so that I can Crack the Fat for another round.
2. Train for and run OKC for the 3rd time.
3. Lose 30 more pounds by July.
4. Lose 10% body fat by July.
5. Run marathon.
6. Get more sleep (7-8 hours???)-This is the only long shot!

Now I know another key to success is having a plan to reach the goals you have set. I have plans for all my goals but won't bore you with the details.

My husband just pointed out the time so I better sign off so I can start working on #6. I hope you all have had a wonderful 2008 and I look forward to your blogging friendship in 2009.
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On December 28, 2008 at 10:43 AM , Unknown said...

Those are really great goals. I struggle with your #6 as well. It is on my list for the new year too! You are going to have an awesome year!