Author: Jilligan
•10:05 PM
Just wanted to report in and say that I have made my $50 for two weeks now. If I think I want something I just ask myself if it is worth $50 and so far I have been able to convince myself not to eat! Yesterday my mom and her step-kids decided to get another money competition going and it cost $50 to enter. Whoever is down the most percentage wise by May 30 gets the cash. I am so going to be rich! Well, okay maybe not rich but I will have enough money to get started on my new wardrobe. That's 20 weeks away to make the $300 and $50 to myself each week. Have I mentioned that I am really competitive?

I still haven't gotten my treadmill so I headed out to run tonight after my brave husband fought the neighbor's dog! The wind had died down alittle and it wasn't that cold. Of course when the kids heard I was going they all wanted to go. Kallie got her blankets and snuggled up in the jogging stroller and TJ got his running gear on. I don't know why but I don't sweat, ever. I bought myself one of those trash bag looking things that are supposed to make you sweat. I love it and it really does make me sweat. I know I just replenish it when I drink but it makes me feel better to think I am getting rid of toxins. Anyway, sometime in the run tonight the legs ripped. I felt a little chilly (yes, I had on pants and tights underneath). I had been working a sweat up before they ripped and then I was cold. I noticed when I got home that they had ripped. I must have looked like a huge tent flapping in the wind. Anyone who believed in ghost might have thought they saw one tonight wearing a flapping trash bag.

Oh, and on a sad note, my 9 year old can walk faster than I can run. My husband asked me if I remember the saying about how to eat an elephant and I told him that was the problem. I had eaten one to many elephants. Just kidding...I know you eat an elephant one bite at a time. Keep running!
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On January 13, 2009 at 8:50 AM , Unknown said...

I must have gotten ALL the sweat glands in the family. I definitely sweat enough for both of us. But good idea on the sweat clothes...that probably does help when you run (and only you - i'd pass out...or it would be like a big water balloon full of sweat.)

Good job on the $50! I hope the stepson didn't get in on it, he only weighs like a buck o' five.

On January 13, 2009 at 11:32 AM , Unknown said...

Awesome! I really like the $50 idea. My hubby and I are trying to come up with our own challenge type thing. I know that helps my competitive nature too.
Before long you will have enough $ to completely overhaul your wardrobe.

On January 20, 2009 at 6:34 AM , LuckyChelle said...

Sounds like another fun competition!!! Congrats on the $50