Author: Jilligan
•10:21 PM

First I am so glad I have the Alter G to run on for several reasons. One of the reasons is that I wouldn't have been able to run today because of this dust storm.

I have my tshirt ready to go for 24thehardway. I talked my game plan over with my chiropractor today. Mainly to remind myself that this was just a race to help my long run of 20 miles seem like fun. I only want to get 20 miles (and not be last). Our race skirts didn't work out so our clothing game plan changed. I also made my son a tshirt since he will be crewing for me during the race.

And the last thing about today is that it was my oldest son's 16th bday. Even though he is growing up he wanted the same thing he would have wanted when he was younger, just a little more expensive now-a new baseball bat.

Thankful today for many things. Feeling very blessed tonight.

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On October 18, 2011 at 10:38 PM , Jo Lynn said...

What the heck is that big white thing that looks like a pastry?
That dust storm looks scary!